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style & fashion
Client: Gillis London
Design: Branding and marketing material
Gillis London is a company producing and retailing high quality leather bags. Although the logo and branding had started, I was able to continue this throughout the whole range of products.
Client: Rosa Couture
Design: Logo and branding
Rosa Couture founded by Village Brides, wanted to highlight altrernative wedding dresses. I designed the logo and marketing material using black and white features.
Client: Shunami
Design: Logo and branding
Shunami is a recent online shoe selling app at pre-launch stage. The brief was to design branding aimed at females selling shoes online. The request was to use very bold colours. A great step in selling shoes online.
Client: Village Brides
Design: Logo and branding
Village Brides, a company in producing and retailing diverse wedding dresses. Village Brides also ran Pollyanna Prom and Rosa Couture, to complement the different age ranges of customers.
Client: Pirahna Cut Hairdressers
Design: Logo, branding and branding
Pirahna are a new hairdressers who wanted something 'snappy' designed. Bold colours were required to appeal to the younger market, ladies between 20-30 years of age. This example shows an A5 price list.
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